
Built-in functions for the current process & child processes

Example usage

local process = require("@lune/process")

-- Getting the arguments passed to the Lune script
for index, arg in process.args do
    print("Process argument #" .. tostring(index) .. ": " .. arg)

-- Getting the currently available environment variables
local PORT: string? = process.env.PORT
local HOME: string? = process.env.HOME
for name, value in process.env do
    print("Environment variable " .. name .. " is set to " .. value)

-- Getting the current os and processor architecture
print("Running " .. process.os .. " on " .. process.arch .. "!")

-- Spawning a child process
local result = process.spawn("program", {
    "cli argument",
    "other cli argument"
if result.ok then



The architecture of the processor currently being used.

Possible values:

  • "x86_64"

  • "aarch64"


The current working directory in which the Lune script is running.


The current operating system being used.

Possible values:

  • "linux"

  • "macos"

  • "windows"



function Process.exit(code: number?)

Exits the currently running script as soon as possible with the given exit code.

Exit code 0 is treated as a successful exit, any other value is treated as an error.

Setting the exit code using this function will override any otherwise automatic exit code.


function Process.spawn(program: string, params: { string }?, options: SpawnOptions?)

Spawns a child process that will run the program program, and returns a dictionary that describes the final status and ouput of the child process.

The second argument, params, can be passed as a list of string parameters to give to the program.

The third argument, options, can be passed as a dictionary of options to give to the child process. Refer to the documentation for SpawnOptions for specific option keys and their values.



type Arch = "x86_64" | "aarch64"


type OS = "linux" | "macos" | "windows"


type SpawnOptions = {
	cwd: string?,
	env: { [string]: string }?,
	shell: (boolean | string)?,
	stdio: SpawnOptionsStdio?,

A dictionary of options for process.spawn, with the following available values:

  • cwd - The current working directory for the process

  • env - Extra environment variables to give to the process

  • shell - Whether to run in a shell or not - set to true to run using the default shell, or a string to run using a specific shell

  • stdio - How to treat output and error streams from the child process - set to "inherit" to pass output and error streams to the current process


type SpawnOptionsStdio = "inherit" | "default"


type SpawnResult = {
	ok: boolean,
	code: number,
	stdout: string,
	stderr: string,

Result type for child processes in process.spawn.

This is a dictionary containing the following values:

  • ok - If the child process exited successfully or not, meaning the exit code was zero or not set

  • code - The exit code set by the child process, or 0 if one was not set

  • stdout - The full contents written to stdout by the child process, or an empty string if nothing was written

  • stderr - The full contents written to stderr by the child process, or an empty string if nothing was written

Last updated